ATF – a burlesque

ATF_flyer_thumbATF: A Burlesque is the vaudevillian story of a bunch of sick clowns who, armed with badges and clipboards, serve as vice agents for the omnipotent Oscar Amazing in his continuing efforts to master the market economy through taxation and mis-representation. As Oscar and his crew hungrily amass power and money, they are hampered by terrorist attacks from lone nut Zabu Dabe and the unhealthy effects of the commodities they seek to control.

Agents_thumb“ATF is exhausting – in a good way!” -Rebecca Brown, The Stranger


“There is such excess that one wants to go home, smash a six-pack of Bud and have a cup of tea.” -Mary R. Martin, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer


“I don’t like clowns.” -Steve Wiecking, Seattle Weekly

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