The Ebenezer Cycle

EBZRFLR“…high on high points and low on narrative through-lines, A Christmas Carol is a perfect piece to chop to bits, which is essentially what Annex Theatre does with The Ebenezer Cycle. Five directors get five big, fat chunks of A Christmas Carol to adapt and direct, drawing from the same ensemble cast of eight. The five mini-shows are then strung together in exquisite corpse style, with little thought as to how the styles and adaptations mix and match for coherence.” [The Stranger, 12/16/2000]

n592393923_1426817_7476“The best moments of The Ebenezer Cycle reveal themselves during Bruce Wylie’s take on Scrooge’s redemption… Wylie’s rapturous world of bodies as furniture and makeshift angel’s wings creates a pleasing, take-home image.” -Tom Spurgeon, The Stranger

“It’s like experiencing the story for the first time.” -Matthew McQuilken, The Seattle Gay Standard

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